I have been having some brief conversations with a few people who are checking out Watermark. These people are from other churches and are looking at different churches. Anyways - I hate the whole "church shopping" mentality. When I find out they attend another church I just encourage them regarding that church and then mention if they know someone who is unchurched who needs to find a people to belong to - that they encourage them to plug into Watermark if they can't plug in elsewhere.

Anyways - I guess I feel frustrated by consumer Christians who look to a church organization to meet their needs and meet a certain criteria. I don't think that is what Jesus was picturing when it comes to being the church. I don't know - maybe I'm a bit on edge about the issue and I'm sure I have been guilty of my share of consumer Christianity... I don't feel like I have time to woo people like that - they should be connected in their church - or if they feel like they have to leave - fine, but don't shop for a church like you do a microwave.

I thank God for the Christians that are a part of our Core team. They left their churches to be a part of a movement - a calling from God. Now we attract church and unchurched people. The unchurched people are flexible, open, participate and seem to be taking risks. Some of the churched people who are coming aren't looking to be a part of something life changing from what my conversations have brought out...

Well - I apologize if I'm making general sweeps and bashing Christians, but I'm not trying to. I just want us to see the life with Christ as more than finding a church to meet our needs (which often are things we are commanded to do in God's Word as individual followers of Christ).

Can you tell I'm amped a bit? The couch does it to me and the conviction of being a 1% church that grows from people coming to know Jesus. God help us - we can't do this - this is all you.

Thanks for reading with a grain of salt.




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