I want to highlight some thoughts from the NEW FORM conference we went to...
The first thing I want to do is to discuss the various worldviews and cultural values that we have in our country and that impact each of us and certainly the church.

The first one is what I'll call the MARKETPLACE where vendors and consumers interact.

This photo is an image of the average church attender in some ways.
1) Materialism is not seen as a harmful un-godly thing to speak out about.
2) We see ourselves with needs that must be met - we are defined by them. The purpose of life is fulfilling them.
3) The church attenders are passive and not participating. The leadership is exhausted trying to provide the goods and services.
4) We market everything and have to create needs to entice people to come for more.

This conference talked about removing the church as "shopping mall" mentality and replacing it with (you may want to sit down) a picture of the Kingdom of God! So, we must help people see themselves as participants and not people who are soakers. We must help followers of Jesus recognize that we are on a mission - we all are ministers. We need to live differently - with generosity and commitment. Finally we must see ourselves as the Body of Christ - an organic - interdependant Body.

Anyways - I was challenged and reminded to not become a vendor of spiritual goods and to not slide into becoming a consumer looking to get and absorb God things to meet my needs.

HOW HUMAN CENTERED IS THAT! But, one of the biggest things people hear on why someone is leaving a church is that, "their needs are not being met."

What do you think?

Also, I am thinking of writing a brief article entitled, "Emerging Arrogance: the rise of the new know it all's and I told you so's." I think it will deal with the new church movement and the danger of becoming proud and judgemental while in this movement. I'll keep you posted.

OH MAN! I gotta get up in five hours - what am I doing up! AHHHHHHH!





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