Vicki is full blown sick and in a lot of pain. On top of that - there is the stress of getting organized in the near future for our vacation. Pray she will be healed of this head congestion and pain. Thanks.

I just got back from working out with my work out / accountability parter. It went well - we lifted - did cardio and then grabbed some diet cokes and did accountability. It was great hanging and connecting. I love working out for a lot of reasons... The first reason is tied to my heritage as a dutch boy. I don't want my financial investment to be wasted. I want to get my money's worth! :) Following that are little reasons like wanting good health and not having a heart attack. Oh the pull of the genes are strong - the pull of my heritage is stronger. I don't understand why I wrote that.

ANYWAYS - we had our first 10 minute check in meeting with the staff guys today. That went long, but well. We will refine it and get better. The idea is to share in a minute what is going on that day and clarify any questions. Then we pray and go. It is especially nice considering that we do not have a central location to work from.

I am soooooo far behind on my message in a few weeks (following our vacation). I need to get it done by tomorrow - so I don't have to do it during vacation, but I don't see me getting it done with Vicki being sick, the kids needing attention and other loose ends to tie up. Weird - I have a bloody nose. I must have worked out so hard that my blood vessels blew up inside my head! After all I am getting huge. Below is a photo of my emerging body: (no roids just like you Barry Bonds - right? What!)

Well - have a great day. I need to go see the passion of the Christ again sometime soon.
Remember to check out "Follow the Rabbi" link to the left for great Jesus material - in regards to the passion.

We're gonna party like it's yo birthday,



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