The Jew in you.

I am participating in a conference called, "Through Messiah's Eyes." This is a Jewish roots conference that deals with the life of Jesus and being a follower of Jesus.

I am hanging out with Pete Yoshonis (my friend, my coach, my rabbi, my huckleberry.)
I feel like I am trying to drink from a fire hydrant, but the good things is that I have a big mouth.

The material is refreshing and interesting and they encourage questions. So, I asked, "What do you think will happen next on Lost?" That didn't go over well. Just kidding, but there was a funny moment when the instructor (Dwight Prior) mentioned that a rabbi's disciples (apprentices) would spend all their time with the rabbi to learn how to live like the rabbi. Apparently there was a mention somewhere that the rabbi's best disciple or student was even able to be under the rabbi's bed while he makes love to his wife to even learn how to be like the rabbi in that regard.

So, I thought about asking our rabbi for the week (Dwight) who gets dibs under his bed tonight, but then the self editing program in my head turned on and saved the day. All this to say - being a disciple is truly becoming like your master in every way! :)

The title speaks to the fact that as a follower of Jesus - my roots - my heritage is in Judaism... Otherwise I am 100% Dutch. Sorry.

I sit at the feet of P YO,


Dave Deur said…
Wait a minute...did you say "who gets dibs under his bed?" If so, I'm not only not interested, I'm appalled.
Deur said…
better one dibs in under the bed than no dibs at all.

Doug Witte said…
Has anyone claimed the spot under your bed yet?

Wait, did I just type that ... and then enter my username and password ... and then click login and publish? Shoot. I thought it was all in my head.
Deur said…
no, not yet
yes, you just did! :)
Doug Witte said…
Consider it claimed then. You were the one who showed me the way to putting out the vibe, so why not finish off the lessons? I want your dust ... hmm, that sounded funnier and less weird in my head.
tonymyles said…
What a Deurty mind you have.


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