american music awards

I saw a little of the American Movie Awards last night and the performances stunk.
Just because someone is allegedly famous does not mean they should be allowed to think they can sing.

Lindsay Lohan and Hillary Duff are classic examples. They should be on the show, "But can they sing?" on VH1... and the answer would be... "no they can't." :) Any ways - it seems like image and celebrity clouds the brain and you start believing things about yourself that aren't necessarily true.

For example - if I was a celebrity - I may think I can blog and have important things to say. :) But... I don't.

So I wish you a happy Thanksgiving and I thank the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for His lovingkindness and for the relationships we enjoy.

If you were a celebrity, what would you get talked into doing that you probably shouldn't be doing?



Anonymous said…
Other celebrities.

Dave Deur said…
Good point...I'm convinced...I'm done blogging. Thanks for showing me.
Wally Harrison said…
If youth ministry can convince me to play bass guitar, keyboards, and SING! I wouldn't want to think what celebrity would try and do to me.
Anonymous said…
Being a celebrity isn't all that bad. For instance, when you're attending a Jewishy conference and some low-life church planter sits behind you, he will often blog about you when you get home and contribute even MORE to your celebrity status.

And I can sing too!

Rob B.
Deur said…
Big Dogg - funny and naughty...

Dibs - don't stop - you are the best kept secret in blogdom.

Wallace - lol - great point! You are the missing backstreet boy!

Rob B. - I'll tell Pete Y. to stop blogging about you. HE is the ultimate Rabbi.
tonymyles said…
If I was a celebrity I would get talked into doing ribbon cutting ceremonies for new smoothie places that didn't serve coffee... cuz I'd totally get behind that.
Steve said…
Doug Witte said…
I would probably resort to Pimping. Wait ... you said what could I be talked into doing? Oh, that's just something I would do, but probably shouldn't. Oops.

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