What comes to mind when you see the dice above?

For me... I must admit... I think of D&D. (Dungeons and Dragons)

When I was in middle school/early high school I found myself working on characters for hours on end and playing the game on weekends with a few buddies. I was truly a D&D geek - but not totally, because I was younger than those dudes playing in their mom's basements in their mid-thirties. :)

Anyways - I was told not to play anymore by my loving and concerned parents (thanks dad). I think the biggest issue wasn't the SATANIC themes (because there were none in the way we played.) I think the problem was that all my time was spent on it and all my notes and homework (when I took time to do it) had swords and blood and creatures all over it.

Anyways - I still played in secret a little bit, but had to watch my back.... oooooo scary. Anyways - it was a fun game.

I could turn this into a spiritual devotional moment and talk about why we want to live lives through fantasy and all that, but I will resist and just say - I loved being a fighter with a two handed sword cutting up Orcs! :)

Long live the Sci-Fi channel.


Anonymous said…
Enjoyed a lot! » » »


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