This sign could represent the reality of how "church growth" happens nowadays. I know us pastor types don't mean it, but how much of our "marketing," "programs," "articles," "concerts," and "such" are really directed toward churched people and not people who may be without a faith community and interested in connecting into one?

I think it is easy to watch other churches around you and see them more as competition rather than partners. I think it's enjoyable to hear how your church is better than another one or your preaching is better or whatever.

75% of the churches in the USA are taking a nose dive.
25 % of the churches are growing.
Of that 25%... 24% are growing because people are moving to another church... (transfer growth).
1% of the churches growing are actually growing because people are joining a faith community for the first time.

Anyways - I would like Watermark to be a 1% church. This has implications!
The following with change in becoming a 1% church: (borrowed from "seeing beyond church walls" book)
1. Our LANGUAGE. Insider talk is removed.
2. Our COMMUNITY Not everyone will look like us.
3. Our SHARING. Not all "Bible thumping" believers.
4. Our EVANGELISM People will belong before they believe.
5. Our REPUTATION Radical love and acceptance looks worldly.
Making faith clear looks like dumbing down the Bible.
Loving "missing" people may make people feel like they are forgotten.

I do love being a part of Watermark, because I feel a part of a very accepting commuity. Alcoholics, non-religous people, believers, kids, teens, parents, rich, poor, pretty and not so pretty hang together in a community that is (I pray) becoming more and more accepting and loving and unified. I am sure we (and I) have a long way to go, but it is a start.

Enough "church chat" - I just want to put more things in "quotations" - I find it "annoying!" :)

Went to Dale Witte's funeral today. That made me hunger to be a better man with God, my family and my relationships. Thanks for the example Dale and for the legacy.

1% or die,



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