HOPE! I see a forty plus degree day approaching! Time to get out the shorts, the sandals, the sunscreen and my mental patient pills because it aint coming fast enough!
I have enjoyed teaching the past few weeks about "Share Your Life." I love talking about the Jesus life. I also did a seminar called, "The Missional Life" which was a lot more in depth and practical compared to our Sunday chats. Anyways the favorite thought that popped in my brain was: MORE IS CAUGHT THAN TAUGHT. But through out the New Testament we see that while the focus was on living the Kingdom - there also was a proclaiming piece to it. So people can be TAUGHT WHAT THEY CAUGHT.
anyways - since we are all constantly evangelizing each other (try to change my mind on that and you will be evangelizing) I found this conversation series to breath new life into my role as an ambassador in life and word with Jesus Christ.
I just wish I could apologize to all of those people who have been hurt by a church or Christians and therefore heard the talk with a Bible bashing them over the head and the walk resembled a Hummer riding over them. That grieves me.
Kingdom kid,