Preparing for Easter Sunday message. I wonder what I will be sharing about.... hmmm.... maybe the FREAKING RESURRECTION?! :)

Anyways - can you speak about the resurrection without going into the back story? I mean the way way way back story...?

I have thought about it and because we have many people who are green about God's Word and the whole 'Jesus Liberation Movement' (as Rob Lacey calls it) we need to put the resurrection and the cross in context. Otherwise we have no idea why the resurrection and the cross and Jesus for that matter is important and why it matters and how it impacts each person.

So - how far back do you go? To Jesus' beginning of his ministry and his teachings and what he said and foreshadowed? To the prophets? To Israel? To the first people and sin entering the world?

I'm gonna give a super fast background on Sunday I think to get us all on the same page. I'll start with Adam and Eve and God's original design of life with Him and each other. Then fast forward into the cross and resurrection.

I like trying to take difficult things and making them easier to get a handle on for people - so that they can begin to think through it and make it their own. We'll see - I am not the brightest torch in the cave. :)

Have a great week!


Anonymous said…
Keep up the good work
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