Lazy day of light shopping, cleaning up the house and checking in on people through their blogs. I also spent time going over the message for tomorrow.
The message is taken from Luke 2 and it is the story of the angels telling the shepherds of Jesus' birth. I am doing it as a narative. So I'll be a shepherd and tell the story and I'll be an angel. (We all know that I am an angel.)
Anyways - I am excited about doing the message in this fashion. It has made me think differently about the story and has made it more real and personal. I also feel nervous about it. I have only done one other message like this. (as the thief on the cross at Easter time.) So, hopefully it will go well. I am taking a bit of a risk and stretching myself and I pray it will be impactful for those listening. I think that doing a story this way invites people to participate in the story themselves.
I received one of my Christmas gifts today in the mail. I ordered it for myself and it is from my wife. :) It is a t-shirt. It says, "The Smiths" and it has their picture for 'rank.' (SEE PIC ABOVE) If you are a Smith's fan you know what I'm talking about. If not, I am not talking about Nate Smith. :)
Time to go over the tic talk again. We just put the kids to bed after about a half hour of dancing in the basement to Erasure and New Order. mmmmmm my dance hall days...
In a Big Country,