Show me the money
My life group has been going through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University DVD. It has been really good and really challenging! For example: He actually tells you not to spend money that you don't have! The nerve of that guy! :)
Last night we learned about negotiating. I am a terrible negotiator! I'll walk in and say a lower price and then the salesperson will say no. So then I mumble, "Just kidding" under my breath and pay full price.
I just do not like trying to get a deal, but I love getting the deal! Any good negotiating techniques????
Here is one from Dave Ramsey: Show your cash! People know a deal is about to be done and they get emotional.
Any thoughts?
Deal or no deal,
Ps. I'll see you sunday, I'm coming back to watermark =)
That always makes people feel better about themselves when they give you an incredible deal on something. ;)
Another good technique is to slip and fall on the seller's property. This will cause them to be very aggreeable towards your wishes.
Pretending to choke and nearly die is a good one in a restraunt.
Mostly you just want to use your imagination to best figure out how to put your oppnent on edge. That's when they make mistakes in negotiating.
Fresh - great ideas on using the web for comparison prices.
Elisabeth - good thoughts as well on using the web.
Thanks for the wisdom!
Any other thoughts?