The Love Bug

Recently I have been studying the word "love" in the Bible and finding it to be more about action than emotion. This has been a good study that reminds me to live out acts of kindness and to practically show love rather than just try to feel something for people.

Can God command us to have feelings for Him and for others?

Can God command us to practically show kindness, generosity and service to others?

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Everyone is invited to our HUB open house this Sunday evening from 4-7 pm. Drop in, eat, say hey and bug out.



Dave Deur said…
Show me the love...not the feeling.
Deur said…
By showing the love - I actually have an opportunity to have the feeling.
Anonymous said…
There is no way that God can command us how to feel...but he can certainly tell us what to do!

The reason is simpy because we have almost no control over how we feel but almost complete control over what we do.

Beyond that, it seems easy for all of us to "do" what we "feel" like, but the person who only does what they feel is fairly immature, spiritually and otherwise.

I think we would do well to monitor our own progress in this way...the more we do the right things even though our feelings cry out against such action, the more mature we are becoming and the more we are truly identifying with the guy who stayed nailed to the cross until he died!


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