
Smooth as Snoop Dogg.

Today we had our wood burner inspected. It passed, however the guy told us it would be smart to avoid using it. I am so glad I spent the money finding out that we have a wood burner in our home that is up to code, but could result in smoke and loss of life. I guess I am stretching the conversation a bit, but in the end - we are not using it.

I am a Pistons fan and I am proud. I am however a bit concerned that the stones might get a little lazy on defense... but it may just be paranoid thoughts after defense minded Larry Brown left town. But, it has been fun watching them.

I have been consuming a healthy diet of two Bible teachers lately. Benny Hinn and .... what the? Just kidding... Actually I have been listening to Dwight Prior from the Center for Judiac Christian Studies and John Wimber from the Vineyard Church. I just finished listening to some interesting insights from Dwight on the Tri-Unity of God. I have been learning about healing from Wimber. Anyways - I really enjoy listening to messages. I would rather listen to someone teaching than a music album. Weird.

Jimbo the Elf is in town and wondering if you've been naughty or haughty.

Never buy a Christmas tree from Menards.


Anonymous said…
Always haughty, and never naughty...

Buy a Christmas tree! Why buy at all? Just go out into the woods and murder one. Doesn't cost a thing, and it's real easy if you have a chainsaw.

Deur said…
If you chop down a tree in a field... will you hear it scream?

Proverb of Shashabaw Jones
Dave Deur said…
Think of how many trees would be screaming IF you fired up your woodburner!

Stones rock!
Deur said…
With my incompetence with the wood burner the only screaming would be my children from a fire in the middle of the night.

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