This morning Sherrie shared stories about helping at a hospital in Kenya for one month. The stories again reminded me about what is important and how I complain about the dumbest things. Thanks God.

I was reading and studying for our conversation series in June and one of the concepts I was reading about was about being thankful. In one of the Jewish feasts they would celebrate God's blessings and thank God for all He had given them. Part of the celebration was inviting the less fortunate to feast with you... the thought was - you are not truly thankful unless you invite those in need with what you have been given. It was a way to give God thanks.

Anyways - we have been given soooo very much and I want to use our time, talents and treasure to invest in things that God is interested in...

I will save a little to spend on Cold Stone.


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Very nice site!
Anonymous said…
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