Went to the father / daughter dance last night. It was a special time for Autumn and me. They did a little square dancing. It was fun and a good way to dance with your five year old. :) Lots of fun. When we were finished and we stopped by the store and I bought her an orange Crush in a glass bottle. mmmmm the memories.

When I was a kid we used to get this pop called (I think) "Town and Club"??? Anyways - it would come in a crate and be full of all kinds of exotic and fun flavors. You would return the bottles and then pick up a new batch. Red pop was always a highlight. I think they even had Rocky Road. Anyways - I love anything that is not mass packaged and marketed. I think that is something I enjoyed about living in Sydney. There were a lot of family owned places to eat and visit. There were more options that McDonalds and all the other big named national chains. I like character and individuality. I find myself drawn to places that don't always fit the masses. Maybe it is because I like to try new things.

This past week was enormously busy. I think I pushed a bit too hard and as a result I was exhausted Sunday afternoon. Vicki and I stayed home on Super Bowl night and ordered a pizza while our son was sick throwing up. :) I think I want to start an UN-Super Bowl party for those of us who don't care a lot, but would like to get together. I thought about starting a party called, "The Souper Bowl Party" and have it be a get together with people and have every one bring a pot of soup to pass. What do you think? Unless the Lions are in it... yeah right.

Lots to do today and trying to get over a bit of sickness before our vacation.

Bring the noize,


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