What would really stand out around here?
This week we are talking about being an alternative transformational community. This is a mouthful, but a great image.
In the book of Acts (in the Bible) it describes the earliest followers of Jesus as a community that stood out in the surrounding culture. They were promiscuous with their money and stingy(chaste) with their bodies. This stood out.
I may have commented on this before and so forgive me if I have, but it appears that, as followers of Jesus, our primary concern in being an alternative to the surrounding culture is to just listen to Christian music (which I like some), avoid swearing (we all have different levels of what swearing is), don't drink booze (for some denominations), don't smoke (at least don't inhale), don't ride a motorcycle (unless it is a Harley for most pastors trying to keep their mojo), etc...
Are these really the distinctive marks of a life following Jesus? These are so easy. What about character issues? What about not seeking revenge when we are hurt and forgiving the person who harmed us? What about living simply and not using or getting more than we need? What about being ridiculously generous?
So my question to you: How could a follower of Jesus really stand out in our community?
I wanna pop,
In the book of Acts (in the Bible) it describes the earliest followers of Jesus as a community that stood out in the surrounding culture. They were promiscuous with their money and stingy(chaste) with their bodies. This stood out.
I may have commented on this before and so forgive me if I have, but it appears that, as followers of Jesus, our primary concern in being an alternative to the surrounding culture is to just listen to Christian music (which I like some), avoid swearing (we all have different levels of what swearing is), don't drink booze (for some denominations), don't smoke (at least don't inhale), don't ride a motorcycle (unless it is a Harley for most pastors trying to keep their mojo), etc...
Are these really the distinctive marks of a life following Jesus? These are so easy. What about character issues? What about not seeking revenge when we are hurt and forgiving the person who harmed us? What about living simply and not using or getting more than we need? What about being ridiculously generous?
So my question to you: How could a follower of Jesus really stand out in our community?
I wanna pop,
That is a great way to express it!
Why stand out at all? Is there anyone in the U.S. of A. that has not heard of Jesus and already made their choice... Not likely. (well maybe children, but you can't have them until their parents are done with them.)
Why stand out at all? Live your life as you see fit within the laws of society and everyone else do the same and TA-DA! Nobody has to be holier than thou and nobody has to be evil-doers. Everybody is who they are.
Peace out man. One love. Can't we all just get along?
I'll hold off on my follow up comments to see if others want to share first.
What's at issue is whether Jesus Christ is reduced to just another desirable brand that's consumed along with every other product out there. Or is the "Jesus Brand" just another ghetto culture that looks kinda the same as everyone else but has some language, words and practices of its own that makes everyone feel special. Till they don't anymore.
If I was an American I'd choose against the Jesus Brand too. What's the point? Really.
Against that backdrop I reckon the real thing - a follower of Jesus - not a consumer of religious culture - will stand out. Its the easiest way to tell whether you got a custom made original or a cheap rip-off.
And Deurty: you stand out.
I guess I'm speaking for myself mainly here as being surrounded in the past by "holier than thou" christeneese speaking CEO's who do not allow such words as "When I'm weak" because that might indicate our power source is contaminated by negative thinking or worse demons!
which I do believe in but hey.... they can only operate through our free will, right?
Jesus said "They'll know we are Christians by our love one for another" what kind of love is that?
if it's agape then the truth will be delivered in love and "unless you become as a child you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven"
As a child? really believing what He said and being kind to one another... Does love deny what He said or risk being hated for saying what He said?
In other coutries Christians are being tortured for speaking the truth (gospel) in love.... did they stand out or just blend in?
God told His bride that she whored around on Him, there are different ways of standing out, in my opinion and some are a turn off to others searching.
Matthew 5:44 will be a stand out trait for sure, because we are there are bills right now heading to senate to make it a crime to even say that homosexuality is wrong.
I think that in West Michigan the way to stand out - to be truly seen as a follower of Jesus - is at the intersections of Jesus and culture where Jesus and the wider culture go in different directions.
For example:
Money. In our consumer culture where we look out for ourselves and make debt a right if we live more simply and give generously we will stand out.
Forgiveness. If we choose to forgive and embrace reconciliation instead of the surrounding value of revenge, to hold on to bitterness, to bury people when they fail, we will stand out.
Contentment stands out.
Thanksgiving stands out.
Joy in the midst of suffering stands out.
Chastity stands out.
Service stands out.
I don't think we need another witness wearable to help people see that we follow Jesus. I believe we need to do the work of Jesus in the ways of Jesus.
It seems the times that I tried, the hardest, to do it all right and really be a light for Him, to really stand for Him, I stood for nothing at all. I just got in the way.
Funny, seems so simple but yet it is so hard, to let Him lead, then follow and then we really shine, for Him.
I love the lyrics from Kathy Troccoli's song 'May I Be His Love'
goes like this...
'Sometimes I can say all the wrong words
Sometimes I can think of only me
I know that my pride can hide the tenderness
That longs to show I care
May I be His love to you
May I lift your eyes towards heaven
May I come to you and lead you to His light
May I cry His tears for you
May I be the place that you can run to
Where you'll hear his voice
And see Him in my eyes
All your life
May I be His love
I want to live my life for His glory
And to hold His word here in my heart
To let His spirit fill every part of me
so I live Him everywhere
May I be His love to you
May I lift your eyes towards heaven
May I come to you and lead you to His light
May I cry His tears for you
May I be the place that you can run to
Where you'll hear His voice
And see Him in my eyes
All your life
May I be His love
I know that only when I follow HIm can I begin to love
Thanks for sharing!:)
In other words...live your faith.