D-Town to the playoffs!

Congrats to the Detroit Tigers for making the playoffs! Exciting stuff! I have been a Tigers fan my whole life and it feels good to see the team have fun playing ball again after the past decade of total and utter humiliation. :)

Our softball team won two games this fall. We continue to incrementally improve but, our season is now over.

This past weekend was crazy busy with Vicki's family coming into town. We had a wedding to help plan and organize, Sunday gatherings, Core Focus, and figuring out how to balance life in our little house with all those people. It turned out to be a meaningful weekend, but we were wiped out! It felt good to have it be just the five of us last night...all of a sudden five felt small - but that is okay by me...

Congrats to Ryan and Brenda Vredeveld who had a "little" boy: Luke Curtis Vredeveld. 22 inches of cuteness.

Tonight begins the new TV show : Heroes. I am a sucker for superpower shows (ever since "the greatest american hero." I hope this is a good one...

My superpower is seemingly ignorant/innocent sarcasm in group settings, what?


SportChick said…
I can completely relate to having a house-full of people (or in the alternative, being the one always seeming stuck traveling). It IS exhausting (on both sides). (I'll bet I just surprised you with my comment, I wonder if you knew I was still reading). :) SC
Deur said…
Great to see you still around! I have not played BZ in forever - miss it - but no internet at home. :)

What server does the gang play on now? I can never find the old gang when I check in.

Thanks for saying hey!
Anonymous said…
Go Tigers!
We miss you Cecil!
And Sparky!

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