Round and Round We Go...
We gathered in "the round" today. Here is a pic of me chatting from the center about generosity. BRAD took this picture.
I thought doing it in the round was a nice change.
We've done it before, but not like this...
The benefits for us:
> It was an easy change to make that added some excitement.
> It got everyone out of their usual routine and seats.
> The band was behind us which reminded us that worship music isn't performance.
> People got to see people in a different setting.
> The room felt more cozy and warm.
> The sound was great.
> Everyone facing the center was an image of putting God at the center of our $.
The downsides for us:
> Sone people didn't like to be looked at during the singing.
> I had to concentrate more on where I looked as I spoke so I didn't spin.
> Everyone at some point had to look at my backside - maybe that is a benefit.
> Took a bit longer to set the room up.
Overall it was a great morning because the Spirit of God seemed to be moving and we focused on Jesus.
Anyways - great work by Brad and the band and all the folks who worked behind the scenes to set it up, design it, and make things happen for people to connect with God in a new way.
Saw Bond tonight and loved it,
When I first started at Lakeshore, we did worship in the round. Our tech guys would watch the direction I was turning and periodically point in the opposite direction so I could "unwind" and not get dizzy!