Tomorrow I am having what us religous folks in full time ministry refer to as a "Day Alone With God." Or to get cheesy and stupid: a DAWG. (A BIG DOG!) Anyways, the point is that God is with us all the time so why make an appointment with the big kahuna? The point is - that life rushes by and things seem to crowd out time for my soul to drink and be refreshed and led. So I plan one day alone with God a month. (unfortunately I do not consistently take them because something else creeps in! hence the need for them!) So I do a few different things. Write in my journal, go for a long walk, read my Bible, pray, listen for God's voice, chat with a spiritual mentor, read a book that causes me to go deeper, relax, stop, get quiet and just "BE."
Anyways - that will be me tomorrow - my soul drinking from living water. I need to make these times more of a priority.
Shoulda, woulda, shut up and do it! :)
Deurty DAWG done cheap,
Anyways - that will be me tomorrow - my soul drinking from living water. I need to make these times more of a priority.
Shoulda, woulda, shut up and do it! :)
Deurty DAWG done cheap,