Half full or half empty

I was wondering if I am someone who sees the glass "half-full" or "half-empty." These of course are the images that speak of being an optimist or a pessimist. I have always thought of myself as an optimist, but I think it might be situational. (In other words - it depends on the glass.)

I think that with BIG picture issues (long range - dreams - hopes) I tend to be half-full. Filled with courage and passion. While with immediate issues I can tend to be half-empty. Filled with fear and anxiety. I guess that is my leaning and I think I do that to protect myself from disappointment. Can you relate? You know - saying you are not good at something (but secretly feeling like you are pretty good at it) so that if it doesn't go well the ego is protected somewhat...

Would you say you are a half full or half empty kind of person?
Whose opinion counts most in determining this question? My wife has one idea and others may think differently...

What if you took the half used/filled water and put it in a shot glass - perspective changes... WHAT?


Anonymous said…
To be honest... Some days, I'm just happy there's anything in the glass!

But I would have to go along with you for most of the time. It's really all about perspective.

If I'm looking at my glass and no one else is around I'm more apt to say it is half empty, (self pitty)but if I'm looking at your glass, or even mine when other people are around I am more likely to say it is half full. ("There, there now." "Things are tough all over." "Stiff upper lift, and all that.")

Making any sense here?

Basically... I believe most people look at other people's glasses and see half full, but tend to see their own glasses as half empty. (Human nature.)

Anonymous said…
I was missing an entry from you, duerty. Glad to see your back. You really have an impact on people with your words. I really enjoy reading your blog.
I always see my glass as half empty and im trying to fill it up with as much life and excitement as i can. I don't like it when my glass gets below the half way point. Its really true in real life too. (my glass). I need that sucker to be full!
Speak up! said…
Half-full... I can put a spin on anything.

Arkay said…
I guess it would depend on whether or not I was thirsty or not. If I wasn't thirsty I don't really care if there is anything in the glass. If it was hot out and I felt dehydrated or parched, I would almost always hope the glass was full. EverydAY in this life should be valued to its fullest extent. Wake up in the morning..look around at everything you have...and everything to be grateful and thankful for. Where there is not water in the half glass, there is air. Life is full.
Dave Deur said…
You're full of it! Whah??

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