The adventures of childhood

I remember when night time would bring with it amazing games in our neighborhood.

"Kick the can" was my favorite. Under the glow of street lights I would make a dash from the side of my house to the front of my house to "kick the can." (Usually a sand bucket for the beach or some sort of small plastic container.) The thrill of running out into the darkness without knowing if the person looking for you was near was exhilarating.

"Flashlight Tag" was a lot of fun as well. We would run and hide and then the person 'it' would search for us sporting a flashlight. If they shined us - we were out.

These are just a few of games we played. The interesting thing is that I felt larger than life - almost more alive - playing these games. The hiding, the running, the heavy breathing, the competition, the on the spot rule making, the friendships, the laughing, the anger, the cheating - all of it sending the sensation of life.

I mourn the loss of games gone by. I miss the ease at which we could gather together. I hope for my children to experience this. But, the world has changed. Oh man - I need to stop this sentimental stuff and just ask you...


Tag - you're it,


Arkay said…
Had to be red rover red rover. Great game good times and you got to try to break peoples arm and that's always good in a kids game. We tried BUCK BUCK a couple times and that was pretty fun too if you had alot of peeps or split nieghborhoods that wanted a challenge.
Anonymous said…
Cowboys and Indians, Cops and Robbers, whatever you want to call it... It was a blast. Paintball without the paintballs.

Bang! I got you!

No you didn't! I dove behind the tree before it hit!

No way! I was using my machine gun! I probably hit you twenty times before you got to the tree!

Yea, but my bullet proof vest stopped those!


Ahh those were the days. :D
Speak up! said…
My dad used to bring home broken pole vault poles from school, so I could jump over my make shift bar onto the mattress. We used to hold backyard Olympics every summer at the Takas house. Those were the days!

Or playing driveway basketball with my brother and sister,

Deur said…
Whiffle ball as I got older or touch football in the front yard was always fun. I am amazed that a group of 6-8 kids in our neighborhood could play all day (even organized games) without an adult there to make sure rules were followed and that everything was fair and safe.

In fact one kid's mom used to watch out the screen door to watch her son and make sure everything was going well. This only made us think she was bizarre and way over protective. But, she would be considered an excellent mom nowadays. Times change.
Anonymous said…
I would have to say "Bloody Murder" was my favorite. One person would hide, then the rest would split up and go looking for that person. When someone found the hider they would yell out "Bloody Murder" and everyone would run back to the home base, trying not to be tagged by the "Murderer". When playing this game in a church the name changes to "Santa Claus".

Anonymous said…
As I was reading this, "Red Rover , red rover " came to my mind too. But we played that in school. I loved getting a kickball game going at our dead end close to where we lived. I hear ya, duerty, kids these days , seems like we let them down or something with all the technology. I guess we have to try harder , but maybe that is what our elders thought about us, and what their elders thought about them.
Dave Deur said…
I remember playing "Sardines"...I'm a little sketchy on the specifics, but one person would find a hiding spot somewhere on the property of this big farm, and everyone would fan out and try to locate him/her. You would do so by whispering "sardines" over and over, until you heard the hiding person say it back to you. Then you would join that person in their hiding place and remain there until all but one would be "found."

I also remember playing countless hours of marbles...especially in the spring. We'd also play baseball, football, miniature tennis, golf with tennis rackets and tennis balls...all without supervision. brings a smile to my face.
Steve said…
Backyard games were pretty much all sports all summer long. I wouldn't even go in to poop unless I absolutely had to... and I had highly developed sphincters.

On the playground my favorite was football or smear-the-queer. And it was always tackle until someone spotted a playground teacher and then it switched to touch.

My favorite game of all time we only seemed to play at camp, but I loved the commando tactics of Capture the Flag. There is something totally exhilerating about an all out sprint in the pitch black. I once clothes lined myself on an actual clothes line. Luckily it was more in my upper chest because it totally laid me out.

Great thread Deur!
C-Man said…
dude, i am with thomps on this. we had a huge farm i grew up on and lots of friends in the neighborhood. capture the flag was the bomb.

We also did a game called frankenstein. one would hide - he was the monster. one would lead a group around the farm on a tour. then the monster would jump out scaring everyone. it was awesome.
Anonymous said…
my buddy Brent Dobberstein and i made up a neighborhood game called "Show and Rub"... it involved well, showing and rubbing.
Deur said…
Thanks for all the memories. I had forgotten some of those. It is amazing how creative kids can be when all they have is some space and each other. :)

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