I always wanted to open my gifts before Christmas too.

We found out.
It is a boy.

Let the name game begin.

Eleva-Deur is taken,


Anonymous said…
Awe Congrats, have fun with the name game!

Ahh, i can't wait to start coming to watermark next month Its going to be a blast!
Deur said…
Thanks Elisabeth!
Looking forward to seeing you... :)
jenna said…
Yay, another boy! Congrats! So happy for you guys!!
Anonymous said…
Wow you are like my Bizzaro world counterpart.

Ok. I think it's a no brainer...
#1 and best choice: Gran

(put it together with your last name and see what you get)

BJ said…
I am man...hear me roar!

How about Falco? The Falcon could live forever...

(back in NZ btw...)
Deur said…
Gran-deur - nice Big Dog!
Jones - great seeing you in GH town! The falcon has left the building - long live the falcon.
Arkay said…
Gran is way cool...especially when you put it with your last name. I'm thinking something cool like Devon or maybe something way original Parker or Palmer.
Congrats!! You guys are awesome! We are so happy for you..and with two little big brothers you c an almost count on Autumn staying home until her early thirties. It was always in my best interest never to date a girl with two brothers. I would get cornered and smacked around tag team style. Better watch out for those Duer boys..they are pretty rough!!
Wally Harrison said…
Congratualtions Duerty!!! That is great, I have no name suggestions though. Unless of course you're thinking something from the industry... do you A...
kyperman said…
Hey Steve, great post and great insight as usual. Hey, buy the way, if you want to go back in time a bit, check out the photo I placed on my blog. Check out the guy in the back row middle, I think you might remember him !!!!

God Bless man...say hi to Seaborn for me.
kyperman said…
Oh, and yes..many congrats!!!!
Doug Witte said…
If it's a boy, you need to go with a physically imposing name ... how about Thun Deur? Perhaps play some AC/DC whenever he walks into a room?
tonymyles said…
Rufus is a good biblical name.


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