What is ahead.

Here are a couple announcements from your Deurty friend.

1. I just started a NING page for Watermark. Check it out and feel free to join here.

2. Tomorrow is Thompson's birthday. (37) See his blog link to the right.

3. We are close to launching our adoption blog - I'll keep you in the loop.

4. I am very excited about our "Because of You" Celebration Sunday. June 8!

5. My wife made an amazing Meat Loaf tonight. She rocks!

6. I am looking for a good summer read - any suggestions?

Killing me softly,


Kevin Stinehart said…
As far as a summer read goes "Jesus For President" by Shane Claiborn and Chris Haw is a good one to ponder before the election season is in full swing. I'm almost finished with it now and it is incredible. It's one of those every-Christian-needs-to-read-this kind of books. Great stuff. That's my recommendation.
Deur said…
I didn't realize he is running. I bet he is running as a libertarian. (You never hear about those guys, but they have a passionate following.)

Thanks for the idea.
Wally Harrison said…
The Chris Farley Show: seems like an enjoyable read about life, both good, funny and sad.
Dave Deur said…
I'd strongly recommend Dangerous Surrender by Kay Warren. Incredibly transparent and moving. It will challenge and rearrange your thinking.

strumming my face....
Josh Jackson said…
Killing Yourself to Live: 80% of A True Story, by Chuck Klosterman.

C'mon, check it out for some legendary 80's rock memories.

I got all the love in the world for you. :)
Josh Jackson said…
okay, i thought about it some more in bed and i think i have a better suggestion. so if you want an amazing NOVEL to read, the kind that you can't put down, then i'd recommend "extremely loud and incredibly close" by jonathon safron foyer. it's the most enjoyable fiction I've ever read. anyway, if you do get around to either of these suggestions, you'll have to let me know.

love and hugs!

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