The Fabulous Life of Jesus of Nazareth

In a couple of weeks we will begin a conversation series with the above title.
In a nutshell we will be looking at the life of Jesus.
We often see Jesus as the universal - Son of God - savior, but we will be looking at who the man Jesus is why his thirty three years of living is important to us.
Should be fun to explore the man, the mission, and the methods of Jesus of Nazareth and what this means to us as followers of Jesus.

I now prefer Diet Coke over regular Coke,

If I start liking TAB... hurt me.


C-Man said…
no prob tab yuck. if you see me with the sunglasses/goggles that old people wear, hurt me!
Doug Witte said…
Let's talk breakfast.
Michael said…
Welcome back Steve. I prefer Coke Zero to regular and Diet Coke. If you haven't tried it before I dare you too! Hope all things are well...can't be too bad after a vacation!

Anonymous said…
It's and "AGE" thing!

Dave Deur said…
Is there such a thing as Diet Lift?? I want some now!
Shooting the tube.
BJ said…
I was already putting on weight drinking diet coke so I switched to zero...what the?

15lbs south in 7 weeks btw...

Who was the biggest loser in GH?
Deur said…
Wade was the biggest loser at over 30 lbs. in eight weeks. I lost 25 in eight. But gained six on I'm back in the program. :)
Arkay said…
O.K. I have found that now that the first half of the competition is is even harder to maintain this wieght loss thing...doughnuts are checking me out..carrot cake keeps whispering to me... and then there is that whole Easter basket candy thing...what the?? I have gained two pounds..but feel myself struggling more because I won the first round..if this is the comfort level..i would've been happier to lose..I am slowly losing my mind and continue to have dreams of Coldstone Ice Cream employees catching me and scolding me for not stopping by and buying their product. When I drive by the store...I hear..."Stop here..just won't hurt ya'". I drive by the store like four times a ears ring now from constantly pounding my head to make the voices go away. Just kidding...wanna run?
Anonymous said…
Good job guys.

The message was very inspiring, thanks... prayers were very helpful, too.
Anonymous said…
BTW, diet anything is really bad for you and since they were discovered, obesity, heart disease and diabetes have risen.
Just take the "t" off the end of diet and what have you? Hmmmm...

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