
Showing posts from March, 2008

It has finally arrived!

1:05 pm - Monday. Opening Day of Detroit Tiger Baseball! Bless you boys, sd

Catan Man

Currently I am addicted to playing "Settlers of Catan." It is a board game that involves trading, expanding territory, and building up settlements. Anyways - I enjoy the idea of using the resources of the island of Catan for my own gain. (Just kidding - I am a good steward of the Catan resources like every good little Christian should be... but oh wait - this isn't real life! I forget because I am played a lot of Dungeons and Dragons as a kid and I think all this is real!) :) So anyways - I really like the game and recommend you try it or buy it or whatever. Here is a link to learn more... Settlers of Catan Here is how I feel while posting this. Have a great day and pray for sun and warmth! sd


Today is "good" Friday. God for your love I am thankful. While we were uninterested, uninspired, undecided, and unbelieving... Jesus died for us. Amen

24/7 prayer in motion

We have hopped on another 24/7 prayer train this week leading up to Resurrection Sunday. To participate or check it out a bit go to: Shoreline Prays Check out the local article: Watermark in the news. I always enjoy the prayer times - they are moments when I actually stop to reflect... otherwise I find life to easily become a lot of flailing about with little understanding or direction. Have a great week! sd

A Proverb a day...

I am enjoying reading through the book of Proverbs this month. There are 31 chapters in Proverbs and 31 days in March = one a day. If you want to get some wisdom for life - Proverbs is a great book to read. It is quick, concise, and helpful. Do you have a favorite Proverb that isn't actually a Proverb? You know... ones like: "Cleanliness is next to godliness." "If you don't have anything nice - don't say anything at all." "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Lay on us your best wisdom, sd


Style that goes a mile.